
Similar meaning words used for any specific word are called Synonym. In Other words, A word that means nearly same as another word in the same language are called Synonyms.
Example : [ Beautiful ] - Lovely, Attractive, Pretty, Gorgeous, Dazzling.

List of Synonyms

DiminishReduce, Dwindle, Abate
DurableConstant, Lasting
FederationAlliance, Band
FilthDirt, Squalor
FrugalPrudent, Saving, Economical
FuriousAngry, Outraged, Mad, Irate, Insane
LaborToil, Work
ObedientFaithful, Loyal
AbleCapable, Competent
AccustomedRegular, Habitual
PonderThink, Meditate
AtoneConciliate, Reconcile
DeploreGrieve, Regret
ApprovalPermit, Sanction
AimExtent, Scope
CarefulCalculating, Shrewd
DistinctiveImportant, Significant
DelicateSlender, Slight
DomesticateSubdue, Tame
AssortmentDiversify, Variety
FortunateOpportune, Advantageous, Lucky, Auspicious
LimitedMarginal, Borderline
ConciliateReconcile, Atone
CompromiseSettle, Adjust
CalculatingShrewd, Careful
DurationTerm, Cycle
FuseBlend, Combine, Mix, Merge
AdvantageousLucky, Auspicious, Fortunate, Opportune
FoolBetray, Astonish, Confound, Overwhelm, Perplex, Baffle, Confuse, Deceive

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Know about synonym in english. Also Watch list of English synonyms with many examples. What is Synonym (Paryayvachi, Samanarthi Shabd) in English? (Synonym ki definition Kya Hai?).

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