
Similar meaning words used for any specific word are called Synonym. In Other words, A word that means nearly same as another word in the same language are called Synonyms.
Example : [ Beautiful ] - Lovely, Attractive, Pretty, Gorgeous, Dazzling.

List of Synonyms

DogmaBelief, View
EagerEarnest, Keen, Impatient, Anxious
FeebleHelpless, Infirm
ImportuneBeg, Solicit
MeditatePonder, Think
VarietyAssortment, Diversify
HoldKeep, Grab, Grasp, Detain
EmbellishEnhance, Elaborate
ComplimentPraise, Flatter
LazyUnoccupied, Idle
DetachQuarantine, Isolate
AuspiciousFortunate, Opportune, Advantageous, Lucky
AdministerControl, Manipulate, Shape, Manage
ConfinedRestricted, Narrow
FaithfulLoyal, Obedient
IntertwineTwist, Tangle
IneptAwkward, Graceless
FearlessBold, Daring
PlanConceive, Design, Budget, Allot
ViewDogma, Belief
InduceEncourage, Foster
InoffensiveHarmless, Innocuous
ImmatureJuvenile, Adolescent
LabyrinthMaze, Complexity
FleetNimble, Brisk, Fast, Swift
PerpetuatePreserve, Endure, Last, Persist
OpportuneAdvantageous, Lucky, Auspicious, Fortunate
TemperMood, Nature, Aspect, Character
FuseBlend, Combine, Mix, Merge
FurorOffend, Anger, Range

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Know about synonym in english. Also Watch list of English synonyms with many examples. What is Synonym (Paryayvachi, Samanarthi Shabd) in English? (Synonym ki definition Kya Hai?).

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