
Similar meaning words used for any specific word are called Synonym. In Other words, A word that means nearly same as another word in the same language are called Synonyms.
Example : [ Beautiful ] - Lovely, Attractive, Pretty, Gorgeous, Dazzling.

List of Synonyms

AdversityDifficulty, Misfortune
ElaborateEmbellish, Enhance
FastidiousExacting, Particular
FederationAlliance, Band
FlatterCompliment, Praise
HandicapDisability, Disadvantage
IgnorantStupid, Unintelligent
LuckyAuspicious, Fortunate, Opportune, Advantageous
ObjectionDisapproval, Protest
RegretDeplore, Grieve
DifficultyMisfortune, Adversity
LightenMitigate, Alleviate
CombineMix, Merge, Fuse, Blend
NameSelect, Designate
HoldKeep, Grab, Grasp, Detain
AnnounceReveal, Spread, Broadcast, Disclose
DisabilityDisadvantage, Handicap
InnocuousInoffensive, Harmless
AdministerControl, Manipulate, Shape, Manage
PureDecent, Honorable
RadiateEffuse, Emanate, Arise
DisadvantageHandicap, Disability
UnderstandableLucid, Clear
LoyalObedient, Faithful
DogmaticPartisan, Biased
SubdueTame, Domesticate
MatchDonation, Contribution, Accord, Agree, Grant, Correspond
AnxiousEager, Earnest, Keen, Impatient
ShapeManage, Administer, Control, Manipulate
DonationContribution, Accord, Agree, Grant, Correspond, Match

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Know about synonym in english. Also Watch list of English synonyms with many examples. What is Synonym (Paryayvachi, Samanarthi Shabd) in English? (Synonym ki definition Kya Hai?).

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