
Similar meaning words used for any specific word are called Synonym. In Other words, A word that means nearly same as another word in the same language are called Synonyms.
Example : [ Beautiful ] - Lovely, Attractive, Pretty, Gorgeous, Dazzling.

List of Synonyms

BriefConcise, Short
DurableConstant, Lasting
FederationAlliance, Band
FuriousAngry, Outraged, Mad, Irate, Insane
LaborToil, Work
ManageAdminister, Control, Manipulate, Shape
ObedientFaithful, Loyal
PainAche, Discomfort
SpontaneousImpromptu, Unplanned
VerifyAuthenticate, Substantiate
DesolateSterile, Barren
AccustomedRegular, Habitual
GoalPerfection, Ideal
AccuseInsinuate, Implicate
BorderlineLimited, Marginal
PonderThink, Meditate
ContainerRepository, Receptacle
ImpromptuUnplanned, Spontaneous
AssortmentDiversify, Variety
GrantCorrespond, Match, Donation, Contribution, Accord, Agree
CoarseHarsh, Hard
LimitedMarginal, Borderline
OffenseNuisance, Annoyance
FulfillRealize, Accomplish
AvariceGreed, Craving, Desire, Longing
ManipulateShape, Manage, Administer, Control
PauseCease, Desist, Stop, Break
GreedCraving, Desire, Longing, Avarice
AdvantageousLucky, Auspicious, Fortunate, Opportune

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Know about synonym in english. Also Watch list of English synonyms with many examples. What is Synonym (Paryayvachi, Samanarthi Shabd) in English? (Synonym ki definition Kya Hai?).

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