
Similar meaning words used for any specific word are called Synonym. In Other words, A word that means nearly same as another word in the same language are called Synonyms.
Example : [ Beautiful ] - Lovely, Attractive, Pretty, Gorgeous, Dazzling.

List of Synonyms

AnguishDistress, Sorrow
CommemorateCelebrate, Honor
ContradictDeny, Oppose, Negate, Refute
DetainHold, Keep, Grab, Grasp
InadvertentAccidental, Unintentional
LeadDirect, Proceed
LimitationBoundary, Constraint
NegotiateBargain, Deal
RealizeAccomplish, Fulfill
ConfoundOverwhelm, Perplex, Baffle, Confuse, Deceive, Fool, Betray, Astonish
PurloinSteal, Embezzle
InconsequentialTrivial, Shallow, Superficial, Frivolous
AdolescentImmature, Juvenile
PonderThink, Meditate
InactiveLethargic, Passive
ObstinateStubborn, Recalcitrant
KeenImpatient, Anxious, Eager, Earnest
PraiseFlatter, Compliment
PledgeGuarantee, Assure
LimitedMarginal, Borderline
LegitimateValid, Authorized
CorrespondMatch, Donation, Contribution, Accord, Agree, Grant
DisinterestedIndifferent, Apathetic, Dispirited, Lifeless
TendencyTrend, Bias, Inclination, Predisposition
NimbleBrisk, Fast, Swift, Fleet
ViolentChaotic, Disordered, Messy, Turbulent
RefuteContradict, Deny, Oppose, Negate
AristocraticIllustrious, Famous, Eminent, Distinguished, Prominent, Noble
EvaluateEstimate, Guess, Predict, Judge, Referee, Appraise

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Know about synonym in english. Also Watch list of English synonyms with many examples. What is Synonym (Paryayvachi, Samanarthi Shabd) in English? (Synonym ki definition Kya Hai?).

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